Dear Mipham...How are you? The summer holidays must be on. Thimphu this summer is really hot. I don't recollect having to sweat it out the way i'm doing this summer! I've not checked on the degrees but it'll have to be higher than or above 25 degree Celsius.
I bet the summer there in Holland is a welcome respite after the dullness of winter and the briefness of autumn.
Thimphu this time of the year is usually warm but this time's its hot; like the heat in the southern districts of Bhutan (which lie at the foothills of the mountains and in the Indian plains).
The school season is on back again here after the rather short Bhutanese School Holidays. During summers, schools only shut down for about three weeks. Now the short Bhutanese School Holidays are over and everyone is going back to school. I see them as i drive to work, around town and where ever i go. Mornings and Late afternoons i see a lot of Bhutanese kids walking about. The girls wear what is known as a "kira" (something like the Japanese Kimono) and boys go in "ghos"- a sort of cross between a Japanese man's kimono and a Scottish kilt!).
Long holidays for Bhutanese students is normally during the winter months: Thus December, January and February til March are school holidays. They are known as the "Winter Holidays). The rationale was that winters in the upper regions like Thimphu and Paro in the west and some schools in the eastern and central parts would be to cold for the students.
This is a bit weird because in the southern districts there are a lot of school (for them its the summer heat that gets them but its good too because they get to holiday during the winters which are really nice and cool down south.)
I've been blogging a lot too. Politics, Travelogues, Reflections, Contemplations, Critiques and the like. In this blog i thought i'd write stuff concerning and of interest to you! Though that's a little presumptuous of me but i'm trying to write these "Father and Son Diaries."
Acho TJ looks plump.
Acho Tobden says he's gonna become a monk after he graduates class six.
Acho Palden was in Paro and he loves it there. He says he likes the peace (but now he's back in school).
Nochu Tensun is as cool as a cucumber.
Kitso really misses you and she's doing well in class (i think she'd make a lovely TV personality).
Ashey Gazome is now taller than me!
And they are all growing up an inch or two everyday!
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